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- Free-to-Member
- Quality
- 0.25 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
- 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.25 Non-physician
Learning ObjectivesRecognize the skill set and role of a coach on a quality improvement teamUtilize high impact coaching behaviorsPartner with an improvement team to speed improvement and maximize yield
- Free-to-Member
- Quality
- 0.25 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
- 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.25 Non-physician
Learning ObjectivesDescribe the importance of teamwork in quality improvement projectsDiscuss the composition and characteristics of successful teamsDiscuss strategies for effectively managing team meetings and team conflictsDiscuss the roles and responsibilities of a team leader and strategies for being a successful team leader for quality improvement projects
- Free-to-Member
- Quality
- 0.75 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
- 0.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.75 Non-physician
Learning ObjectivesDistinguish between the appropriate responses to human error, poor choices, and reckless behaviorDescribe how one would utilize the substitution test to determine appropriate follow-up actions for a work process defect in the hospitalExplain how a fair and just culture contributes to patient safety
- Free-to-Member
- Quality
- 0.75 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
- 0.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.75 Non-physician
Learning ObjectivesDescribe the basic principles of Lean as they apply to healthcare quality improvementRecognize the most common types of waste in healthcareDemonstrate the utility of value stream mappingDescribe the essential steps of the Model for Improvement (PDSA)Identify the key members of an improvement teamDescribe the different types of measurements used in quality improvement
- Free-to-Member
- Quality
- 0.50 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
- 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.50 Non-physician
Learning ObjectivesDescribe leadership styles and characteristics of effective leadersDefine leaders within a healthcare organization and describe their rolesDefine interests of key stakeholdersDiscuss the role and limits of reward and recognition with respect to quality improvementArticulate the principles of leading change in the context of quality improvement project implementation
- Free-to-Member
- Perioperative and Consultative Medicine
- 2.00 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
- 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
Although obstetricians play the most critical role in the health of a pregnant woman and her fetus, the internist’s skills are also often needed to assure their health. From caring for chronic medical illnesses during pregnancy to diagnosing and managing acute medical complications of pregnancy, the internist must comfortably practice obstetric medicine. The following module discusses these important topics and explains how to provide a cost-effective and evidence-based preoperative evaluation of a pregnant patient. In addition, a discussion of the use of appropriate intraoperative and postoperative interventions and methods for employing an evidence-based approach to prescribing medications in pregnant patients is included.
- Free-to-Member
- Perioperative and Consultative Medicine
- 2.00 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
- 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
Surgical site infections (SSIs) are a major cause of postoperative illness, longer hospitalization, and increased healthcare costs, making the prevention and treatment of SSIs an important aspect of patient care for hospitalists. The following module outlines patient and procedural factors that increase the risk of SSIs, examines the basic principles of antimicrobial prophylaxis for SSI, reviews nonantibiotic interventions to lessen the risk of SSI, and outlines evaluation for and treatment of an SSI. In addition, a discussion of the controversy surrounding preoperative decolonization of Staphylococcus aureus is provided.
- Free-to-Member
- Perioperative and Consultative Medicine
If you are a Program Director and would like to grant access to your trainees, please reach out to education@hospitalmedicine.org for an academic access code.
- Free-to-Member
- Perioperative and Consultative Medicine
If you are a Program Director and would like to grant access to your trainees, please reach out to education@hospitalmedicine.org for an academic access code.Hospitalists are the fastest growing portion of the physician work force. Some estimate there will be 50,000 hospitalists needed in the next 10 years. As the number of hospitalists grows, so too will the clinical settings in which we practice.
- Free-to-Member
- Quality
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.00 Non-physician
Mounting evidence shows that the American healthcare system costs too much for the results it achieves in terms of patient outcomes and access. Many different parts of this system need attention, and it can be difficult to know where to begin. However, the inpatient / hospital environment is a “high intensity” healthcare delivery setting, and the “Choosing Wisely” initiative of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) offers a list of low value healthcare practices which make great targets for improvement efforts. In this module, we will tackle one of the top five practices chosen for Choosing Wisely by the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM): excessive transfusion.