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  • Free-to-Member
  • Quality
  • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 0.25 Non-physician
Series SummaryThere is significant variability in the facilitation of transitions of care both in the hospital and out of the hospital to home. While there is some consensus regarding evidence-based interventions to successfully facilitate transitions of care and improve patient outcomes, these interventions are not always reliably implemented.
  • Free-to-Member
  • Quality
  • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 0.25 Non-physician
Series SummaryThere is significant variability in the facilitation of transitions of care both in the hospital and out of the hospital to home. While there is some consensus regarding evidence-based interventions to successfully facilitate transitions of care and improve patient outcomes, these interventions are not always reliably implemented.
  • Free-to-Member
  • Quality
SummaryThere is significant variability in the facilitation of transitions of care both in the hospital and out of the hospital to home. While there is some consensus regarding evidence-based interventions to successfully facilitate transitions of care and improve patient outcomes, these interventions are not always reliably implemented.
  • Climate Health
  • Free-to-Member
  • 1.00 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 1.00 Non-physician
SummaryThis presentation provides an overview of the climate crisis, emphasizing its effects on health through extreme heat, air pollution, and their related disease burdens, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes.
  • Climate Health
  • Free-to-Member
  • 0.25 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
  • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 0.25 Non-physician
SummaryThis module addresses how environmental sustainability interfaces with high value care by looking at the high value equation wherein outcomes and patient experience are measured in the context of financial costs to the system and the patients. This module further attempts to help clinicians feel more connected to the environmental impact of their work.
  • Climate Health
  • Free-to-Member
  • 1.00 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 1.00 Non-physician
SummaryThis presentation addresses the health impacts of extreme heat, with a focus on increased mortality with heat and the disproportionate effects on environmental justice communities such as those living in urban heat islands and vulnerable groups such as the elderly, those with comorbidities, outdoor workers, and pregnant women.
  • Climate Health
  • Free-to-Member
  • 1.00 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 1.00 Non-physician
SummaryIn this module, we will explore the ways in which climate change impacts the health, well-being, and health equity of children and adolescents. Part of that exploration will analyze how unique pediatric physiology can increase a child's vulnerability to the direct and indirect environmental effects of climate change. Throughout the session, real-world examples will highlight how climate change exacerbates health inequities and environmental injustices by disproportionately impacting vulnerable and marginalized communities.
  • Climate Health
  • Free-to-Member
SERIES SUMMARYClimate health is an emerging and rapidly evolving field of medicine with which hospitalists need to be familiar.
  • Critical Care for the Hospitalist
  • Free-to-Member
  • 10.50 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
  • 10.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 10.50 Non-physician
Many hospitalists provide critical care services without adequate support or training, putting patients at risk and exposing hospitalists to medical liability.  This educational series covers common or high-risk clinical scenarios that hospitalists encounter in and out of the intensive care unit.
  • Critical Care for the Hospitalist
  • Free-to-Member
  • 1.00 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 1.00 Non-physician
Many hospitalists provide critical care services without adequate support or training, putting patients at risk and exposing hospitalists to medical liability. This educational series covers common or high-risk clinical scenarios that hospitalists encounter in and out of the intensive care unit.
