I am a: * Physician Nurse Pharmacist Fellow/Resident/Student Physician Assistant Other, please specify I am a: Other, please specify Was there any commercial or otherwise inappropriate bias in this activity? * Yes No If there was bias in the module, please specify: * Please rate the following activity components: * Excellent Very Good Fair Poor A. Quality of the educational content A. Quality of the educational content - Excellent A. Quality of the educational content - Very Good A. Quality of the educational content - Fair A. Quality of the educational content - Poor B. Quality of design and organization B. Quality of design and organization - Excellent B. Quality of design and organization - Very Good B. Quality of design and organization - Fair B. Quality of design and organization - Poor C. Quality of online material C. Quality of online material - Excellent C. Quality of online material - Very Good C. Quality of online material - Fair C. Quality of online material - Poor Will this activity impact your practice? * Yes No Why won’t this activity impact your practice? * What degree of confidence do you have that you will apply your new learning? * 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% None What one change will you make in your practice based on the skills and knowledge obtained from this activity? * What barriers may impede you making changes to your current practice? * How much of this content was new to you? * About 75% About 50% About 25% Almost none Compared with other CME activities, this activity was: * Better than average Average Below Average What topics would you like to see covered in future courses or live meetings? Please comment on the overall quality of the module and the learning experience. If you have any comments regarding possible errors, typos or formatting issues, please include those here. Any additional comments: Leave this field blank