DEA Requirement - OUD and SUD Education (Free to SHM Members)

The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) recently announced updated rules for all registered clinicians. Starting June 27, 2023, clinicians applying or renewing their DEA registration will need to make a one-time attestation that they have attended at least eight hours of approved training. This will be due at the time of renewal, which will vary by clinician.

As an accredited CME provider, the Society of Hospital Medicine has compiled a list of sessions that meet this requirement. By registering for the FREE curriculum below, you will gain access to all sessions, including sessions otherwise only available through paid On Demand products. Once enrolled in the curriculum, you may review these sessions at your convenience via the Pending Courses section of the "My Transcript" menu above.

Additional content will be added to this page as it becomes available. 

For more information on the DEA's new rule, download our PDF icon FAQ document. For additional education to help meet this requirement, watch for SHM's biweekly Education Roundup newsletter, or visit the following resources: 

Course summary
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