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  • Free-to-Member
  • Rapid Clinical Updates
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 1.00 Non-physician
This session is presented by Gaby Frank, MD, FACP, SFHM and Scott Phillips, MD, FACP, FACMP, FAACT. Our moderator is Joseph Sweigart, MD, FHM, SFHM.
  • Free-to-Member
  • Quality
Series OverviewSHM’s Quality Improvement Academy is an online educational program consisting of QI modules aimed at equipping hospitalist with essential knowledge for leading successful Quality Improvement Projects. The program offers tools, and resources that learners can use to take the first step on their QI journey.
  • Free-to-Member
  • Quality
  • 0.25 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
  • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 0.25 Non-physician
Learning ObjectiveDiscuss several strategies to optimize a relationship between the leader of a QI effort and senior health system leadership
  • Free-to-Member
  • Quality
  • 0.75 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
  • 0.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 0.75 Non-physician
Learning ObjectivesExplain the types of data that are used for quality improvement (QI)Demonstrate the critical steps in a data collection plan and why they need to be addressed in advance of project initiationCompare and contrast available sources of data for QIIdentify the appropriate comparator model for a proposed intervention and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each modelCreate and interpret histograms, bar cha
  • Free-to-Member
  • Quality
  • 0.50 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
  • 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 0.50 Non-physician
Learning ObjectiveDiscuss the QI Roadmap, a structure for planning and implementing Quality Improvement (QI) projects.
  • Free-to-Member
  • Quality
  • 0.25 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
  • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 0.25 Non-physician
Learning ObjectivesDescribe the basic principles and use of Root Cause Analysis (RCA) as a tool to evaluate and learn from medical errors and adverse eventsList the basic principles and uses of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)Distinguish the differences between RCA and FMEA and recognize the appropriate context for using each tool
  • Free-to-Member
  • Quality
  • 0.25 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
  • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 0.25 Non-physician
Learning ObjectivesRecognize the skill set and role of a coach on a quality improvement teamUtilize high impact coaching behaviorsPartner with an improvement team to speed improvement and maximize yield
  • Free-to-Member
  • Quality
  • 0.25 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
  • 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 0.25 Non-physician
Learning ObjectivesDescribe the importance of teamwork in quality improvement projectsDiscuss the composition and characteristics of successful teamsDiscuss strategies for effectively managing team meetings and team conflictsDiscuss the roles and responsibilities of a team leader and strategies for being a successful team leader for quality improvement projects
  • Free-to-Member
  • Quality
  • 0.75 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
  • 0.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 0.75 Non-physician
Learning ObjectivesDistinguish between the appropriate responses to human error, poor choices, and reckless behaviorDescribe how one would utilize the substitution test to determine appropriate follow-up actions for a work process defect in the hospitalExplain how a fair and just culture contributes to patient safety
  • Free-to-Member
  • Quality
  • 0.75 ABIM MOC Self Evaluation Points
  • 0.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 0.75 Non-physician
Learning ObjectivesDescribe the basic principles of Lean as they apply to healthcare quality improvementRecognize the most common types of waste in healthcareDemonstrate the utility of value stream mappingDescribe the essential steps of the Model for Improvement (PDSA)Identify the key members of an improvement teamDescribe the different types of measurements used in quality improvement
